
manchester terrier breed information

Welcome to Maximal Toy Manchester Terriers! If you’re interested in learning more about the traits and characteristics of Manchester Terriers, you’ve come to the right place.

Maximal Toy Manchester Terriers is located in the scenic hills of Northern New Jersey and has more than 30 years of experience with this loyal and adaptable small terrier. If you’re looking for a small breed dog that is loving, clean, sturdy, and healthy, Toy Manchester Terriers might be right for you!

Toy Manchester Terriers are versatile and suited for a variety of lifestyles – from a studio apartment in Manhattan, to a quiet rural setting, and everything in between.

Maximal Toy Manchester Terriers
Some of our adorable pack members!

A little about Maximal Manchester Terriers

We are members of the American Manchester Terrier Club (AMTC), the AKC-recognized parent club for the Manchester Terrier in the United States. Michelle is active on the AMTC Board, Rescue, Health and Breeder Mentor Committees. You can read more about Michelle’s background by selecting “About Michelle” in the menu. Maximal is a registered name with the American Kennel Club and we are AKC Breeders of Merit.

We treat our dogs like family

They enjoy living in our house, romping in our large backyard, sleeping on the furniture and the bed, and we take them all kinds of places to ensure proper socialization and enrichment outside the home. We are heavily involved in the sport of purebred dogs to give back to the breed and the sport that has given us so much, to prove the quality of our dogs and to preserve this loving and intensely loyal breed. Even though our dogs have earned top accolades in the dog show world, we view them as our pets and nothing makes us happier than to see our families giving their Manchester Terriers as much care and love as we give ours.

Michelle seated in the grass beside a standard and toy manchester terrier
Photo by Jessica Lyn Stover, Inspired by Hounds photography

Learn more about this rare and beautiful breed:

Browse our Frequently Asked Questions about Manchester Terriers.

Read about the differences between Toy Manchester Terriers and Min Pins.

Learn how to get a Manchester Terrier.

Unlike many smaller breeds, Toy Manchester Terriers are not fragile. You won’t hear stories of them jumping off the couch and breaking their leg. Toy Manchester Terriers are well-suited to dog sports because they are small, fast, and easy to train. They excel at FAST CAT, coursing ability, Barn Hunt, Earthdog, agility, and rally. They are easy to groom and don’t require a lot of maintenance which makes it easy to go from the conformation right to the FAST CAT course without having to worry about grooming.

If you’re interested in learning how to show your dog, the Toy Manchester Terrier is a great breed to get you started. They don’t require a lot of grooming and grooming equipment, most of those who show their dogs are owner handlers, and there is a great sense of camaraderie and sportsmanship.

You may have come to this page while looking for information on English Toy Terriers. What is the difference between a Toy Manchester Terrier and an English Toy Terrier? The simplest explanation is that there is none. Toy Manchester Terriers are called English Toy Terriers in some parts of the world, such as the UK and Australia. You can read more on the information page.

toy manchester terrier sitting in a heart wreath

If you have any questions about Manchester Terriers, I am always happy to help!

Maximal Toy Manchester Terriers
William, one of our foundation dogs.

Maximal Toy Manchester Terriers on Social Media

toy manchester terriers edited to be popping out of a red gift box

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